Human Brains and Their Derailed 'ABILITY'

Vaibhav Kanaujia(vk)
2 min readFeb 5, 2022


The perspicacity of human mind to question an intuitive, a proposition, a thought is a mark of his acumen and a testimony of his brain’s active functioning. Often , our minds are cluttered with unnecessary information and data is being fed to it relentlessly at every second , unbeknownst.We think that we are learning a thesis, a theory or are trying to look into the insights of what is being said or being expressed as a notion of beliefs and thereby look to channel it into our memory. The appalling conundrum starts in this process. We don’t argue much about a theory, as our brains neglect and feels less audacious to contest a theory. We don’t try to think about what is that we are learning, is it really that enthralling? Is it really feasible? Are we learning something meaningful?
We are so much engrossed into the time-space reality that our lives seem an unending loop. Waking up , doing the same things throughout the day, attending same lectures within the same time frame that it gets super bored and super repetitive.

Innovative thinking has been our forte and naive expression (rather meaningless) of our thoughts had led to some remarkable discoveries in the past. The tendency to think out of the box is gradually declining in this era of technological advancement. The ability of construing over an idea, a piece of advice, a notion, a method, a pragmatic possibility is apparently fading away in this era of the so called Gen Z's.

People are accepting very easily. They aren't questioning anything, they are not displaying alacrity that once used to flourish inside their minds. They aren't decrying any opinion very easily. Only if they think that the idea is way beyond their expectations and they couldn't handle such consequences that the idea may bring forth, they go for a disapproval. The ingenuity that once used to be an insignia of human beings is getting wretched these days.

There is an urgency to salvage this precious ability that we humans are blessed with.
There is a need to dive deep and exercise the brain muscles for this generation to bring about more and more innovations in future. There are many aspects of being dubious behind an idea. It may open a realm , inadvertently. It enlarges our inquisitivity, excites our mundane lives and we might feel engrossed in its discovery.
We should try to expand our knowledge and infuse our brains with new ideas(however vague it may seem to us) so as to find answers to innumerable, undiscovered realities.


