Vaibhav Kanaujia(vk)
3 min readMay 18, 2023


Many of us have the tendency to be dubitable about our lives. We are anxious as to how our future would unfold. We are often in the dilemma of choosing between what to opt for in our careers as our interests prevail in so many fields that we are not able to choose among any one of them as we derive pleasure from many sources. Some people are bibliophiles, some love to enjoy writing, some love to dance and sing, some are good at cracking jokes while some derive therapy in solitude. Amongst all this happening, the true means of happiness, the joy of being oneself around people helps in developing one’s personality trait, but the ones that remain true to their original haven are the ones that salvage their ship by steering it into the deep wrecking sea that might seem daunting at first but it gets better as the vessel moves forward. They really discover themselves as the river of time allows them to feel the things and they realize their true self once they put their heart and soul into enjoying the things that really make them happy.

In all such scenarios, the mind’s dubitable nature keeps lingering in their ears, the whisper of ‘what if’. The whisper of precariousness, the uncertainty of what might happen to them in the future and what they might do to accommodate, whether or not they’ll be able to grasp it in the long run, whether or not they’ll make it to whatever sea they set their sail to?

These self-abasing questions, what we call more colloquially as “DOUBTS” are also the stimulus for our inactive self to start pondering about what to do next. What shall we counter next in order to simply shut these ever-widening loud whispers? It also sometimes carries us forward towards our ambition as we seek to find the solutions to our “WHY”!! which is the imperative impediment to moving ahead in our lives. Once we have the clarity of this question, we negate all the smothering dilemmas, slowly as we walk upon our roads, the roads that actually lead us to the destiny that we envision, the dreams that we see while we aren’t asleep.

So, indubitably, dubious life isn’t unworthy, because that is what humans are differently made of!!!!! The gift of rationality, reasoning out everything with logic, applying our mental muscles to stride upon what needs to be done and segregate from what is known as a humongous amount of mesh that we create in our minds. All we need is to spend some time with ourselves, because even if we astray from our roads a little bit, the mind always acts as a parent, chiding his child to be disciplined when he behaves complacently. It holds his child with supportive and unsupportive views, at different places and in differently-suited circumstances.

— vk

