Optimistic Showers (Part — 2)

Vaibhav Kanaujia(vk)
18 min readJan 28, 2023


•There are few people in this world who try to become versatile by infusing their brains with so many things at the same time. Multitasking is not an easy task and often the multitasker is at a great loss because he fails to polish his skills in whatsoever field he aspires to. All this happens because there is a mental load of trying out too many things. The balance disturbs and he loses his balance in life and peace.

• But, on the contrary, there are many people who are so talented that they utilize their time judiciously, expertizing more than 2 skills at a time. It varies from person to person. Some can manage easily because they ponder and accentuate to specific skills that they want to upgrade and point out their priorities accordingly. They plan well and try to execute it scrupulously throughout the day. Many a times, circumstances oblige them to miss something here and there, but they gather up themselves for the leftover tasks instead of getting riled up for what has been missed out. The key is to move along with the moving time. Do not bother about something of which nothing could’ve been done in the past. Let it be buried!! Cherish the present moment!! Utilize it to the fullest!!!

• “Don’t ever try to fit into shoes that aren’t of your size”. You might be better at something while lacking in the other quality. Don’t trouble your mind by thinking of the other people. Shine on your talent and learn to enjoy what gives you pleasure. People often waste their time just like that, trying to fit into spaces, and filling in the gaps that weren’t meant for them.

• Keep exploring till you find your forte. Once you discover your interest, you don’t get into the throws of fatigue when you put work into it. That’s because you enjoy so much that the application of effort is fulfilled by the joy of completion. The endorphins make you feel worthy when you do something that you love.

•There are some days in our lives when we don’t feel like doing anything. We feel disgusted by this feeling. We really want to apply effort, but the motivation simply doesn’t kick in. Lethargy takes over and we feel enervated. On such days, take a pause and contemplate upon your week’s activities. Were you able to achieve what you targeted when you began this week? Was the purpose of your actions escalated you from where you were last week? Did you thrive positively and sought for constructive ways towards improvement? IF you find the answers to such questions as YES, then my friend, you’re en route progress. Even if you are unable to see it physically, you are progressing, mentally.

• This world comprises more than 7 billion people, of various colors, sizes, attitudes, characters, and innumerable visible differences. If you think you’re too fat or too thin, you should work on yourself if this feeling is asking you to change for yourself. You should work upon yourself rather than getting envious of the bodybuilders, and athletes. Your body is precious and so are you!! You have only a single life and a single body. You should aim for keeping it fit. Physical fitness promotes the well-being of not only your body parts but also your mental think tank. You can engulf in positive thoughts and disseminate the same energy into your surroundings. One smile of yours can do wonders for your family members, friends, and people to whom you matter.

•Communicating to oneself is the reflection of our abilities, our confidence in ourselves. We often find ourselves in opportunities that might seem to squander as we don’t communicate with ourselves. People revolve around the rationale that their minds are adapted to take over the pain, they often read that motivation keeps flowing in as we stay on our ground and dnot derail from the path; but they do not care to communicate what they really feel, to themselves. One needs to be his own partner, his own protector, amid the chaotic “World of Chances”. WE should build our confidence by constantly contemplating and communicating with our hearts.

• When we are true to ourselves, we place our steps in the forward direction constructively and do not think even for an iota of a second, about abstaining from our path. WE persevere and we embrace the process with an elated mindset, conspicuous clarity, and envisage the destination wholeheartedly.

•In life, at some point, you’ll realize that nothing is going well. Everything that you do, every action that you take, leads you to the same. Following the same routine, sticking to it although wholeheartedly, may at some point offer you the fallouts that will not excite you anymore. Life becomes monotonous, it’ll seem as if you’re stuck just like that hind wheel of the car that gets stuck into rotatory motion. This might decimate your will to get up and work the next day or you might risk it all by doing nothing. Boredom is often accompanied by lethargy and there will be maximum chances of your concentration lapse. Lapse in concentration leads to lack in exertion of effort which might bring your life to perdition.

• All you need to do is to devise ways of creating flexibility in your life. Try to keep the balance by altering your routine every month or at that point where it gets super-repetitive.

• Analyze your mental well-being during the course of a week and look for those happy moments for escalating your motivation. You need to become adaptable to whatever life throws at you. Just don’t run or try to avoid that feeling. Accept what life has to offer and then try to make it better by reflecting it through your actions and your intuition. You know yourself more than anyone else. So, “You’re responsible for your own HAPPINESS”.

• “In life, some things have to fall apart eventually, to make way for better things to happen. Don’t worry if your eggs break, you should know how to turn them into delicious omelets.”

•Your whole perspective behind any situation always has a premise on which your mind escalates your emotions that’ll mirror out in your thought process. At times, you’ll be stuck in a moment, your mind will go back again and again, coercing you to think the same thing. No matter, how hard you try to distract yourself, it’ll always come to you. This is what happens when you are attached to something. It engulfs your whole heart and fills it with so much happiness that the detachment feels like a trauma. Reality transcends over the emotions, but your heart remains trapped, so it can’t get out easily. It is so important to allow yourself to move out of that scenario as soon as possible. Life stops for no one. You might feel tantalized for a long time but eventually you have to accept what had happened because the change is irrevocable. Your emotions flow in the hope of reconciliation, but you’ll have to be resilient. The sooner you do, the lesser you’ll be hurt. You have to seek ways for mitigation, orelse your pain will exacerbate over time. Your mind has to drop this obduracy of visiting that debilitating scenario again and again.

• Getting up early in the morning, working out your ass off, perspiring, trying to get into a better frame of mind, trying to stick to a routine and trying to challenge yourself daily with new challenges might seem very dull and boring to many people. Results are often disappointingly egregious in spite of the rigorous effort and motivation hits rock bottom. It is the ideal timing for wearing out and the perfect appearance of thoughts that’ll lead you to think about abandoning whatever you’re doing.

• “Why am I doing all this, why am I burdening myself with so much pain daily?” The efforts seem to fade away in vain, fruitless, and nix. Your mind gets disheveled, you get disturbed. In these situations, it’s a make-or-break. You either build yourself or let your surroundings build the propensity of complacency around you.

• You have to decide what you’re going to do if this happens. Are you going to push yourself out of this conundrum and clear the noise or are you going to mingle up in the noise? The noise of fears, limits, boundaries, and complacency. You have to decide whether you’ll hustle, or you’ll let your life settle, just like that, mundane, inactive, dwindling.

• Prowess isn’t earned in a few days or a few months. You’ll have to constantly beat this dilemma of self-doubt. Your mind is much stronger than you think and can rejuvenate no matter how hard it has been tortured. It is better to activate your think tank and push it to exercise constructively, then and there, rather than sobbing ruefully when the opportunity had squandered.

•What is letting you, your mindset, your thoughts, your actions, cripple you within the chains of unbeknownst? Why are you so perturbed by the uncertainty? Why is your mind listening to your so-called pain? What is PAIN?

• PAIN is unrealized potential that we have to stretch beyond our limits. Pain is what we experience when we aberrate from the usual, normal. Pain is what our bodies encounter when we exert effort, our muscles work and work beyond their so-called ability. WE are more capable than we think. “WE ARE CAPABLE BEYOND MEASURE”. This is our power. WE often form this notion about the pain that we will face it when we get exhausted, we have been told a lot that “this is hard, that is hard”. There is pain in everything we do, every effort we put in. It is to make us realize that we live, and we are humans.

• Pain is what makes us feel lively. It tells us to keep believing in ourselves and work for pushing ourselves to destroy and unleash ourselves from the thralldoms of our mind’s limits. Pain is what makes us aware of the fact that we are strong enough to experience this. WE are strong enough to do more, to push more. Pain is what jostles us to do more because eventually pain will subside and something good will take its place.

• Pain is the forebearer of our propinquity to win. Pain is what drives us forward to expand our leeway and propels us to go ahead. Pain is what makes our mind believe that now we’ve reached a whole new level, a whole new state than where we were a day (or a few days) before. Continuous application of efforts reduces pain and increases your strength. Your muscles and your mind easily beat the pain, when encountered, the next time, because it had already set the bar high at first. All we need is to not turn our heads down, the very first time, our minds, and our bodies are in the facet of pain. If we manage to endure it then, we’ll endure it every other time in the future.

•If you are not allowing yourself to feel emotions, then you’ll only end up in their grip. Allow your body, yourself, to feel. Be it the happy moments, the sad ones, the ones that light up your day or the ones that question your existence. Don’t allow yourself to be stimulated enormously by the emotions that led you down. Don’t allow your emotions to sway away too much or don’t hold them too much. Feel and react after giving it a thought. Sometimes people behave boorishly if they are down and have been plummeted by their circumstances. They don’t allow themselves to feel this emotion of decimation. They always project outwards and make excuses that this wasn’t there, this happened erroneously, etc.

• The real ones, the real warriors don’t do that. The real warriors take note of what went wrong by mulling introspectively. They take the advice of their acumen to listen to their mistakes and they accept and allow themselves to feel what held them from crossing the line and then they prepare for the next time. Life doesn’t give everybody a chance but when it does, we should be ready to grab it, to face everything, we should be ready for anything that is thrown at us. The warriors throw themselves into penance of hardship so as to prove to themselves, what they’re capable of. They believe in themselves and don’t allow anyone’s thoughts to take over them.

•What do you really want in your life, what really amazes you to the extent of happiness? What makes you do something you enjoy doing? What is that one thing that can really move you for the rest of your life?

The answer to this question is the thing that becomes your priority. You excel in the field where your heart invests itself. Where your motivation jumps in already and your mind doesn’t let you sleep.

• What is the one thing you want badly? Is it the thing for which you can go down to any place, cross any limit, transcend any boundary? If yes, then just go out there and act. Because the more you stall, the more you’re shifting away from it. Have a dream, and work for that dream to turn it into reality. Leave no stone unturned, hold no energy in your sinews for getting that thing.

• If your cling to that one thing that keeps you going, you’ll never really be defeated and never really be questioning yourself even if you receive defeat. You know that you’re trying, and you’ll be aware that you’re moving yourself onto the path by consistently applying effort.

• Slow progress is also progress, however infinitesimal. It is important to keep going every day. It is important to have discipline, following your path and staying in the process. You’ll often be worrying on some days, when you won’t be receiving any difference b/w two days. Exactly same!! Isn’t it? Your mind will be diverted towards doubting your efforts as there is no change that is taking place. In such times it is imperative to remember that change is visible after some time. It’s the process that really counts. If you don’t leave the process, your progress won’t leave you. One day, it’ll bear fruit in front of you!! So, keep moving, even if it is baby steps a day.

Dilemmas are inseparable from human lives as day and night. People often vacillate and overthink before taking important steps in their life. This is somewhat the true nature of the real analysis of what your heart seeks and what your mind feels. When these two unite, there is enough reason to support a decision and hence the choice is made clear.

• But still, there remains a dilemma in our minds that what if the things go wrong?? What if we go on the wrong way? What if this turns out to be the worst mistake ever made in my life? These numerous questions that arise in our minds tend to put our discretion in a swinging weighing machine with each positive and negative of our decision bolstering the aptness and haunting us with the fear of hitting the rock bottom.

• When you are in such a position, I’d recommend you to first fill your lungs with fresh air and release them and then think about what your heart really wants to pursue. GO after it. Just think about what keeps you sane and gives you immeasurable joy and run behind it.

•The act of choosing what you really love and standing for it with courage, unbothered about the dire consequences of your actions is the most fearless act of all time. People can toil to the extremes of what they love to bring it into fruition. They can climb the insurmountable wall of negligence. They can dive into the deepest sea of efforts tirelessly, to emerge out cheering boldly, cheering so loud that their heart propounds waves of will, waves of winning, waves of ecstasy that their heart feels.

•The disconnecting thoughts that arise in our minds at the time when we feel lonely are a result of us not doing anything. If we keep ourselves busy enough towards executing what we sought to achieve, then we won’t receive such thoughts. I know it’s a hell lot difficult to move out of the space and head out terminating all your thoughts which keep coming back to you, reminding you about the same things, again and again. It is then suggesting something more, it is asking you to leave and move out of that space where you’ve been crippled enough under them. Its life!!. You have to keep the faith. It’ll not come easy, you’ll have to keep going. You can’t stop sticking to that one thing of the past. You need to move along with time. Don’t hold that grudge. Time will heal it eventually!!.

•Sustaining everything coming in our way and trying to smile in moments of complete enervation is what one needs to actually do. The worries, the myths, the doubts, the questions that continuously haunt us are perfect for us for we are striving to be in a better place than where we are in, today.

• Our mind has the habit of imagining about the future, for we are blessed with the frontal lobe inside our brains which makes us different from any other animal. WE are definitely trying to move and create a better future for living because this human brain is indefatigable in terms of imagination. It has been the result of its imagination and its curiosity that has led to such great inventions. WE as humans are boundless in terms of imagination.

• Sometimes it’s better to expect bad. Our mind often tries to evaluate and analyze the wrongs of a future situation. WE always try to think that what if this will wrong? What if that goes wrong? It basically tries to foresee solutions to such unprecedented scenarios with which it might deal in the future. So, as they always say, prevention is better than cure!! Our mind devises plans for coping up with the imaginary situation that might find its existence at some point later. This is although a good way to tackle with the circumstances that might come up in the future, but it does a little harm to the brain as well as it does most good. The good part being the expansion of the scope of possibilities (worst-case scenarios)that proliferates our way of thinking and broadens the base of our thought process.

• But on the other side, it might give stress to the body thinking about meaningless situations which won’t even come to reality in the future. A healthy exercise of the brain is to think about making the present more valuable and thinking about how to live and make the best of it rather than rather than just creating fake scenarios and debilitating our brains with them.

• The importance of focus in our lives is remarkable. The amount of distraction that one disregards to ponder on a thought, hone a skill, or to expertise in a field requires immense determination and unflinching courage. In this world of technology, it is very easy to abstain from your path, but it is not a cinch to stick and apply effort towards your goal without getting perturbed. People don’t realize the power of deliberate focus. It implicitly bolsters our concentration level and we speed up our learning process. To be able to control the urge to touch our mobile phones on the ping of a notification is a training to avoid bigger distractions that may arise in the future. Formulating a plan, and developing a strategy is easy, what takes more than a ginormous effort is our will to stick to it consistently. Motivation is the key to extricating our minds from the shambles of lethargy to dive deep into the throes of dedicated effort.

•What makes us different from the rest of the world is our consistent practice toward a specific goal. Our tendency to avoid self-haunting questions, our ability to shrug off every negative thought coming into our minds, and our power to transgress beyond our realized potential. To work deeply takes time, it takes every ounce of mental fatigue, and physical discomfort at the beginning of a process. But once we visualize what is it that takes to be on our path, we imbibe certain alterations and adapt to such deliberative thought-provoking measures that it makes our brain understand the value of concerted, continuous effort. Repeatedly done, the brain gets into the cycle of action and sets forth the exhilarating journey. It devises its own plans according to the circumstances that inadvertently come in our way keeping in mind our major covet.

•Moral character’s development inside a human is as necessary to him as the vital oxygen. He might gain education anywhere but without moral character that education is of no use. Educate brains with sensitization towards social issues, with empathy towards the humiliated ones are the ones that load the path through their deeds. They don’t worry about personal achievements, they plan and hope to serve humanity. They get moved by people’s sufferings as they associate human emotions; just what humans do.

•Moral character defines a person’s true persona, his true wisdom gets endorsed by compassion. He works for improving society, and its values, he preaches concrete values through his actions, and his emotions flow and connect with the common people as they see a down-to-earth person listening to their problems in a patient and humanly manner.

• A strong moral character pervades inside a strong mind that has been taught the best values since childhood. If there are scores of such people existing in a society, it transforms the society.

• Excitations about your own work are as much necessary in today’s world as social media posts. What you truly love emanates out radiantly with the amount of your interest reflecting in your thought process that led you towards actively exercising your brain muscles for learning more and more daily and trying to improvise your art, your ‘SELF’ that intends to seek comfort when it gets completely embedded into the throngs of effort in doing what you love. There are only a few people in this world who get to do what they love. If you’re one of them, feel gratuitous, feel grateful for every single breath that you take and each iota of a moment that you create while expressing something you love.

• Many times people know that they’re doing wrong in their lives, but still they settle despite the fact that it kills them from the inside, despite regretting each and every decision that led them to their perdition, they carry on destroying their own lives. They drift themselves apart from the reach of happiness, satisfaction, and more importantly self-worth, which arises from the achievement of what one actually wanted and toiled to get that coveted thing. These people often turn churlish and they start to deteriorate their relationships with the people they love as their conscience keeps knocking their doors, telling them to get out of the shambles of their perpetual misery. They soon start to boil down towards pessimism and their existential crisis thereafter. They reify their life as monotonous, dreary, and out of hope but they don’t even try to look towards the positive blend of things that can take place if they just take a step of courage, a step to leave and move ahead of what bothers them. They accept defeat very early in life and always blame the circumstances as their major negative reinforcers.

• Circumstances might have obliged him to take a wrong decision that pummeled him into the sea of bad decisions but it is only upon him to swim through the sea of bad decisions and allow his mind to find the shore of reason. If he accepts the fact that he’ll never find the shore then it is nothing miserable as he gets lost and finally drowns. He fails to exercise his frontal lobe’s ability to imagine a smorgasbord of opportunities lying in front of him if he reaches the shore. He only views life as mundane as there is only water omnipresent around him, in the sea. He feels a revulsion about his life and the decisions he made rather than thinking out of the box or thinking about the ways to reach the shore. It is abominable to see one lose the battle of life. It is just a testament to what happens if the mind takes over. If it is positive, it can enlighten one from the deepest of dark dungeons to the ground while if it is negative, it can drown one in the sea of hope where all one needed was to move ahead.


