Optimistic Showers

Vaibhav Kanaujia(vk)
10 min readFeb 9, 2022


· Fake it till you make it: Whether it’s a workout or any other goal. Just adding one extra rep pushes you more to do it. Your mind is diverted from the main goal and is now ready for pushing harder for the new limit that’s in your head. You can easily complete your daily task. Your mind needs to be the one that is to be fooled by you only so that in struggling periods you are able to push easily in order to attain what you covet.

· Dream big, then only you’ll land somewhere near it. Always have a vision of what needs to be done. In spite of just jotting things in the air, jot them down on paper, complete and cross that task list

· “It’s true if you believe.”

· Don’t worry if you’re low-key, it’s time that’ll heal everything eventually.

· Accentuate on the things that really matter in your life (family, career, goals,). Sort out your priorities and work on them rather than just lollygagging and wasting the precious asset, “TIME”.

· Remember, these are the days that’ll shape your personality. The more work you do during your youth, the more work your body will be adapted to do later.

· Whenever you face hardships there are these two things that you can do:

a) CRIB about the situation


b) Face the situation, be in it and find ways to deal with it.

· Cribbing is a zillion times easier. After all, who wants to apply the slightest effort? But you can!! Yes!!, you can, apply that effort despite no strength left, apply that effort even though there isn’t an iota of energy left inside you. It’s all in the head. Think about the path, think about this situation as a hurdle. You’ll definitely leap over this.

· You can’t do anything about the past and worrying about the future won’t make your present any better, it’s just this present moment that is with you. Think about what you can do at this very moment and then act accordingly.

· Try to find ways of seeking calmness in chaos. It is your mind and your mindset that’ll change how you’ll handle the situation. Confronting with the conundrum rather than just running away from it matters. Stick to your resolutions with the mindset of a champion.

· There will be times when there’s no energy left in your sinews, you’ll be decimated by your mind; time and again you’ll try to just run away from the situation or give up. But try to hold on, try to endure that pain. Just stay in the moment. circumstances will shape you and prepare you for way better challenges in the future, So don’t lose hope. Just stay!!

· You have to lose, lose, lose …… and rise above every failure in order to win. There must be a burning desire inside you for winning. You cannot just sit behind after every setback.

· You’re a warrior and not a vulnerable chap. Tough times don’t last but tough people surely do.

· You’ve got everything that needs to be a champion, just deal with the failures and obstacles and see what the failures and obstacles were and see what were the things that withheld you from the jaws of victory; just go for that extra mile to cross that finishing line, even if there’s nothing left inside you. It is better to die than live with the pain of not giving 120%, withholding your very energy, and seeing yourself lose.

· It’s the sheer enormity of the situation that molds your character, that makes you inevitable whenever you’ll be tested time and again in more demanding situations. You’ve got to go through this pain, again and again, to thrive in that place; soon this pain would be over and something else would take its place.

· So, don’t give up!! JUST DON’T!! It’s no time for you to give up, it’s the time to rediscover yourself. Let’s make it happen with every ounce of energy that we have. Results aren’t in our hands, it is the preparation and the process that is. Let’s enjoy our process and let’s not forget to be grateful for whatever we receive, be it success or failures. Failure is the best teacher we can get in our lives.

· Success is just a fruit that has been reaped after a whole season of efforts, commitment, dedication and determination. What follows in the end is the process.

· Importance of having a positive approach: Positive outlook of things always shape your mindset constructively. You’ll never be losing your self-belief if you keep up that positive approach in every predicament. Positive mind is the rarest of rarest gem that one can hold.

· Seeing the things as they are rather than just losing the path midway is more beneficial.

· To enjoy the fruits. You need to wait in patience and water your plants. In a similar manner if you’re travelling on a new path and you don’t know what lies on the other end of the road, just embrace the randomness. Enjoy this challenge. Everything can’t be according to your expectancy. You need to deal with these situations. You need to deal with these situations. You might fail in the end, but at least you’ll not be dismal that you never completed the journey. If you’re leaving it in the middle. Then you get nothing, neither success nor failure and just a grudge to hold.

· Just as an unfinished book is of no use, in the same way unfinished task gives you nothing but was wastage of time and effort.

· Always create an image of yourself in your mind that you can do it. This one action will make you believe in your abilities and what follows next are the constructive ways of achieving and going towards your desired goal. Don’t make a mockery of yourself by just starting something and not sticking to it because it shows that you have a weak resolute, not a feature of a “WARRIOR”.

· Time and again try to look and talk to the man in the mirror. You just need to be true to the man in the mirror. A mirror being the most precious “man” made thing, often is a great counsel when you’re struggling with your own thoughts.

· Try to talk to yourself daily. It gives you time to understand yourself and you often discover strange facts about yourself. You definitely need to talk to yourself as it clears many self-doubts, and you practice your own ‘self’ being a teacher to your cribbing ‘self’. Whatever the predicament is, your mind definitely has many ways to get you out of it. So, try to talk to yourself and think and organize a debate in your mind for a better picture.

· Time to be grateful. Grateful for another day. These are challenging situations in India but still we can’t lose hope.

· Needless to say, but aiming for something and not moving, working for it is just a fantasy rather than a real life goal. You can aim for many things but if you’re not acting then isn’t it self- sabotaging yourself? You’re aiming to move to a place but if you’re not leaving your own house or the place where you are, then how are you going to reach your destination. Hence, act, act, and act in each and every possible way towards your dream daily.

· Erratic fashion in moving, i.e., taking halts every now and then, makes you overwhelm yourself with the enormity of the task and you rather procrastinate it instead of acting on it then and there. SO, you have to always look for a reason for which you want to fulfill your dream. Is it just about you? I’m sure it isn’t. The people and the life you are going to live for is a sure impetus for you to overcome all the impediments you’re going to face on your journey.

· “Pinpoint your priorities and disregard the distractions”. A simple yet difficult challenge. Simple as on paper and difficult in practical life. To avoid the alluring circumstances and situations where your heart just wants to give in, it’s your mind and you yourself that decides not to give in to that instant gratification.

· Temptations are meant for testing our resolute when it comes to about taking up a difficult task. Temptations are a strong test of us being resilient enough not give in to instant gratification. Temptations also are very useful in developing a tendency to say 'NO' brutally to ourselves when every element of our body is saying 'YES’.

· A strong mind and even stronger reasons towards achieving our goals is the fuel that drives us through our journeys. A journey without twists and turns, without obstacles is monotonous and human beings hate monotony more than anything. So, make sure you see each and every hardship as a challenge and then approach towards it with a positive attitude.

· You understand yourself better than anyone. You are your sole responsibility. Your improvement lies within your mind, your hands, in short, yourself. Only your conscience can tell you to work for yourself. You are precious. Your body is precious. This life is precious. Make use of this golden human life. Don’t just wait for good times, instead work for your good time. Why to waste time? Why to let go of this precious asset. You always feel like procrastinating the smallest meagre tasks that are of low importance. WE always say that this is a smaller task, and we can do it later. This is the ultimate insignia of a lethargic self. Lethargy isn’t just bad; it can mold your character and militate your good habits.

· Instant gratification might titillate you but trust me when you finish a work, the feeling of accomplishment that follows is the best I have ever experienced. It’s like your lover finally said yes to your proposal type of a feeling.

· They often say that consistency is the key. Yes, they are right. Consistency is surely the key, but what about those who aren’t consistent, but they put in work at times when it is required. There are many examples where we find people lacking motivation to be consistent, what is the solution of this conundrum? The answer lies in starting what you do usually for getting consistent. Sometimes, the motivation arises after you are in that phase of applying effort. You forget to start the process. Don’t think about the completion, just start your work. The motivation will move your body once you are in the process. So just start and find your way forward.

· The day your heart decides to change your life, i.e., the day your mind and heart align to push you across the threshold of what you consider as dreams, is the day your new journey towards attaining your goals begin. It’s the day your conscience speaks to you in volumes. The cry from inside of your body’s every single cell that pushes you to start working towards your goal.

· Often, people procrastinate, they think about the results as they are afraid to discover the path. Procrastination eats up the soul of your body. It kills every ounce of joy that your body might receive. And if you’re too frail to let that feeling of delaying your work take over your spirits, then you are in danger my friend. Fear such notion. Fear such delay. The more you procrastinate, the more you are procrastinating your happiness, which you’ll get once you’ve completed your journey. REMEMBER, the later the bus departs, the later you’ll reach your destination. Even if you board the bus early, it is important for your bus to leave for its destination.

· There are some people in the society who take over a major section of society by their expression (of the ideas). One might be literate, educated but if one is unable to voice one’s opinion then that education is futile. Education provides our mind with ideas that we were unaware of, the broad spectrum to visualize this world beyond what we think. It gives one the opportunity to dive deep into the sea of knowledge.

· The sea of knowledge is gigantic, unending. One will leave at one end and then there is no end on the other side. One should know how to swim before leaving. There will be many obstacles but the one who constantly keeps moving is the one who survives.

· Expression of thoughts is the sole purpose of learning. If one is unable to recall what turns one took while one was swimming, then it’s just a waste of time in the sea and soon one would discover that one is lost. One can’t afford to get lost in the sea.

· Similarly, in life, one needs to know how to express when one is bound to . Inarticulation of thoughts leads to discouragement and emanates lack of confidence even if you are the most educated person in the room. Confidence speaks volumes. So practice the art of expression of thoughts. Whatever one stores inside one’s brains, one should know to take that out when required. It is just like that one is doing skydiving; one should know when to open the parachute, otherwise it’s the end of life.

Ø 3 requisites for accomplishing a major undertaking:

1) AMBITION- you got to have an ambition which incites you so much that you can’t just help thinking about it.

2) Big Goals- what do you want to achieve and what are your big goals when it comes to your ambition, what is the amount of passion that you hold and how much are you excited to delve deeper towards your ambition.

3) A CONCRETE PLAN TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS- any undertaking is just a pie-in-the-sky until it isn’t completed. You got to devise a plan, develop a strategy for accomplishment. Otherwise, it’s futile to think of even crossing your threshold. Execution of a perfectly knit plan, then deliberation over the failures for imbibing lessons from it, is much needed.


