Vaibhav Kanaujia(vk)
5 min readNov 27, 2022

// Physical Fitness -- the key to bring Mental Fitness//

Today's world is a world of change, a world of technology, upgrading every other second and moving expeditiously with humongous velocity towards attaining the best of the best. This world, full of inquisitivity, innovation, inimitableness and its tendency to evolve has gained our attention so much that we have engrossed ourselves completely into its folds. We have immersed ourselves into its ever expanding arms, into its magnificent ability to awe the humans that we have made it the 'CYNOSURE' of this century.

Undoubtedly, it is the most enthralling creation of this century and as we progress, day by day, year by year , we are getting much ahead of our time by discovering newness. Today the technology has innumerable uses, listing each one of them would be impossible. Just like a coin has two faces, there are as many dangers associated with technology in today's world , whose instances we often find highlighted in the newspapers.

Despite all the uses and harms, there are many social, psychological as well as mental demerits linked with it. This might not be true of every individual inhabiting this planet, but this is true about most of us.
We have forgotten the application of mechanical effort, the science of connection of physical fitness with the mental fitness. We are just so much concerned about the screens and so much surrounded by them that we have forgotten how much it is necessary to take care of our bodies, our minds and most importantly "Our souls".

There are multiple benefits of exerting action, exuding effort and perspiring out of physical activity. Here are few of them:

1) Exercising regularly maintains the mental balance as well as helps us in getting shape as we feel energised after any sort of physical activity.

2) It helps us to unleash our minds from the doldrums of screens, technology and any amount of pressure which we feel lately. Few strong breaths can work like magic for your entire day which otherwise is spent in meaningless swipes on your devices.

3) It gives us different perspectives about any situation and helps us in reorganizing our thoughts which were thoroughly burdened with the different circumstances we encounter.

4) A good run, gymnasium activity, yoga, sports, meditation or any sort of activity we perform which excites our whole human system and puts it in a state of motion , brings about enough joy, a sense of pleasure as we feel that we did something fruitful and came outside the limit of laziness that might have been thriving in our brains.

5) Sometimes, it feels as if we are not able to think clearly, not able to find solutions to our problems and which overtime gets manifold and we get stuck in a state of utter confusion and derail our ability to act conventionally and think appropriately to seek answers. If not addressed soon, this leads to building up mental health problems as there is a cycle in which one is trapped and to him everyday feels the same except with escalation in anxiety and added conundrum of increasing problems. We don't realise that if we try to do some physical activity, we might let ourselves away from such thoughts for some moments and that would give us the time to feel connected with this world as we really are doing something which is in our hands.

6) This can be a good exercise and can break the monotoneity of irrational behaviour and rickety thought process. One might also get his way going towards finding pragmatic solutions in a world of perpetually thrown questions.

7) Going out (in nature)for physical fitness also has one additional benefit. It builds a unique relationship of humans with the beautiful nature and its spirit, like the glowing view of the sunrise , the serenity it brings along with it, the twittering of the birds, the appearance of dawn which ultimately spreads out to give way for the rising sun are some of the instances which we witness only during certain time of the day, bringing aesthetic pleasure to us.

8) This if practised regularly can build discipline as well as punctuality , just like the Nature which had been perpetually practicing discipling since ages. It gives us time to fill our souls with reason and activates our thinking capabilities.

9) We dwell well when we are at peace with ourselves more than anything. This can happen if we take care of our bodies and our mental peace regularly, which is interlinked with effort and practise along with determination to do something good daily. It helps us to relieve our stress for which we don't get time during any other time of the day.

10) So, we need to do the bare minimum in order to keep ourselves present ready and build ourselves day by day as well as our mental frame so that when tested upon , we are able to stand against all odds and do our absolute best in every situation(mentally& physically).

Hence, it can be concluded that physical fitness leads to development of mental fitness because when we create coherence with ourselves only then we'll be able to create coherence with everybody else, especially in this technology driven world, which is evolving rapidly , leaving no time for anything else.
