//Some Progressive approaches for dealing with distractions//

Vaibhav Kanaujia(vk)
4 min readNov 5, 2022


Human minds are flooded by local transmission of unpreventable scenarios, events, conversations, instances, dialogues, future possibilities, successes, achievements, failures, regrets from the past, precariousness about the future, and whatnot.

The tiniest pleasures which we often associate with our instant gratifications can be satisfied just by scrolling over the scrumptious food vlogs, brewing coffee reels, the serene view of our coveted places from the world, your deepest desire to be in life, miniature emotional plunges about which somebody has openly presented himself out in this world, may give you the ephemeral happiness/satisfaction which your brain might be craving for, but, these instant gratifications do more harm than good. They take your soul away for some moments into a utopia where everything feels glimmery and everyone is delighted on screen, but what one fails to see is the ‘Behind The Scenes’ struggles, the sacrifices that they have made to be presented on screen as the “SUCCESS ACHIEVERS”.

We need to follow certain steps for staying focused in this life and head steadfastly on our path:

1) WE need to understand that we should value our work first and then everything else.

2) There is a need to ponder upon your life first rather than thinking about what others are doing in their lives.

3) There is a need for introspection before your delve deep into the lives of others and have a say in them.

4) There might be a lot of people injecting a smorgasbord of knowledge into your mental frame, but it's about your acumen to discern what is right for you and what is wrong, it’s you who has a say in what happens in your life.

5) Find ways of channeling your actions according to your thought processes. What is it that entices you enough to run after it? What is that thing which doesn’t let you settle as it gives you boundless happiness when you do it? You need to ask yourself such questions often to seek answers within.

6) When you do constantly mull over the fact (that how many people have done it? What are the chances of you doing it? Whether you’ll succeed or is it just a fantasy and everything will lead to nugatory in the end? ) which are nothing but your mind’s transgressions and its frontal lobes’ power to create fake scenarios about the future, you surely hamper some of your progress and your most precious asset(time). Instead, you should adopt a strategy, devise a plan and try to stick to it religiously without imagining any other thing.

7) The world’s most powerful graphics chip (Imagination) has ways, both to pummel you deep down in the dumps or levitate your soul into an optimistic haven. It is only upon you how you visualize between the two, either you burden your mental peace or bolster it through positive thinking.

8) The real-life hack is to persevere and try to practice control over your mind’s associative capabilities because in this world of dreary distractions, your mind’s sole focus might perturb even by a single notification that pops up on your mobile phone or by your own mind which throws out events from the past while you’re in the midst of something, thus marring both your cognitive ability and your concentrating power as you’re lost in the middle of nowhere, just like you’re physically present in this world but your soul has been transported beyond the bounds of this world.

9) It takes a lot of will and a lot of courage to train your mind to resist and refrain itself from this ever-expanding world of instantaneous distractions that might seem titillating at that moment but slowly impedes the brain’s active functioning. So, once you embark on something fruitful, just try to be there wholeheartedly, immersing your soul in it.

10) Accentuate on your priorities and your life’s sole purpose rather than just recklessly jeopardizing your time and energy in meager validation traps.

11) Last and most importantly, ‘BELIEVE IN YOURSELF’, believe in your capabilities, believe that you can do it. Back yourself in times of hopelessness, distress, and meaningless doubtfulness over your abilities. The trick lies in fooling your mind and not letting it get over you in any circumstance.


#distractions #challenges #goals #focus #perseverance #life

