Vaibhav Kanaujia(vk)
4 min readSep 28, 2023


What is that thing that you are searching for my friend? What is it?
Is it really something that used to set your soul on fire when you used to think about it earlier? Is it really something that could not let you sleep, even when your whole body was craving for sleep, just because you've pondered about it so much and worked for it over and over that it was turning into beauty, getting painted by you on that canvas of your life, the canvas which earlier seemed so white but now is filled with so many intricate textures.

Are you really looking for that zest that once used to flourish inside your mind, the freshness that used to kick you to get up early in the morning and start doing what you loved to do the most? Are you really searching for that slightest happiness that once touched your face when you were just used to completing your daily tasks? Are you, my friend looking for that delight in every activity that you performed, when you were all naive and exploring different horizons of your abilities? If yes, you are at the right place, my friend!! Yes, we all are aging at a tremendous pace, each day passing as though it is just an hour and you are getting overwhelmed with so many things to do, that the things you actually wanted to do, are just getting aside. It is very okay for you to feel the way you are feeling right now if the circumstances are binding you to stick to something unpleasant and that is perpetuating every other day. It might be feeling as though why and what is the reason for you to do certain things that you are doing right now.

Sometimes, you might be feeling grief-stricken about your ailing mental health, while sometimes you might be feeling disgruntled when you were not able to keep up the pace with that day's activities. Why are we actually running is the question that we need to ask ourselves. Are we running to achieve something that will bolster us in realizing our dreams? Are we overburdening ourselves to realize our social acceptance? What are we running for? The sole answer to this question might try to solve the problems that we are facing right now.

In all such moments, all we should try is to resort to what used to cheer us up, the activities that used to make us feel the word "living life" rather than just saying "Life! It sucks!!". It is not late, it is not over, it is not finished. This is your life!! It'll give you what you give in. Remember that the most ferocious of the battles weren't won in the comfort zones, rather they were conquered in the indomitable spirits of the warriors. It is the spirit of the warrior to get up, despite being devastated and down. When everything around you seems negative, that's the time one chooses to either give up or rise from the ashes just like the phoenix!! WE need to ask ourselves are we embracing the spirit of the warrior or are we just turning into those weak soldiers who don't do anything in the battle just by the fear of losing their lives? Mighty are the ones that have their courage talking to them when they are at their nether, their nerves pouring in their deeply seated caliber and unflinching attitude of not giving up. Their daunting strides in their moments of the nether carry them forward, they keep moving, not allowing any negativity to settle around them. They might be perturbed by the anxiousness of their morbidity, but they are not ready to be bogged down in the hands of defeat. Such is the spirit that is needed to be embraced by us!!. Such is the ignition that is needed by us at the moment. That ignition can only be realized once we align our thought process towards thinking about moving ahead rather than looking at the obstacles in our path. Just try and think about the sweet scent of you realizing that dream that once you saw. Don't succumb to the frightening, horrid scenarios that your minds create. Instead, try to pummel those thoughts with an inexorable force that they may not harass your mind again.

The search will be incomplete if you turn your heads down and sit back! So , Warriors!! Let’s face it with the emboldened vision, conspicuous clarity, revitalizing energy in our sinews, and proliferating hope that keeps on expanding just like the rays of the sun that expand over the earth every morning.

Keep the search on! Keep hunting those goals!! Keep feeling that air touching your face! Keep up your lightening vigor and your nerves portraying ferventness! Lighten up that spirit warriors!! we got to fight in this battle!!
We gotta thrive!!

